Walking with Ghosts: Creative Team

Composers, musicians, film-makers, walking artists, digital projection artists, poets

Walking with Ghosts was the product of a team of artists led by Helen Brooks, Gateways Creative Producer and Professor of Cultural and Creative History at the University of Kent. Our team included musicians, composers, poets, digital projection artists, and walking artists.

Find out more about our team below.

The Creative Team

Ross Barnwell Filmmaker

Ross is a filmmaker and associate producer based in Oxford. He received an MA in First World War Studies from the Univeristy of Kent and is experienced in making a variety of historical films, both documentary and drama.

The Creative Team

Helen Brooks Creative Producer

Helen is a creative producer and Professor of Cultural and Creative History in the School of Arts, University of Kent. She is interested in the ways that creative storytelling and arts can shape the ways we experience and think about the past.

The Creative Team

Mark Connelly Historical Director

Mark is an expert in the First World War and Professor of Modern British History in the School of History, University of Kent. He is particularly interested in practices of commemoration and the legacy of the Great War.

The Creative Team

Howard Griffin Projection Mapping Artist

Howard is an expert in large-scale projection onto heritage sites and spaces and he teaches this at the Kent School of Architecture and Design, University of Kent.

The Creative Team

Elspeth Penfold Walking Artist

Elspeth is a Bolivian/Argentinian walking artist who has worked in the UK since 1970. Her multi-discplinary practice incorporates spinning and knotting work drawing on Incan history and the technique of 'Quipu' (knot work) of the native Andean people. Her arts practice has a particular focus on participation and social engagement.

The Creative Team

Thom Robson Composer

Thom is an award-winning composer who has worked on film and television. He loves to work with vintage synthesisers and keyboards to create unique, distinctive sounds.

The Creative Team

Jayne Thompson, Community Practitioner

Jayne is an experienced applied and community drama practitioner. She teaches students on the Drama degrees at the University of Kent and played a key role Walking with Ghosts as a faciilitator in our oral history conversations.